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🇿🇼 ZWE (+263) - Zimbabwe
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New Off Plan Properties for Sale in Dubai
Damac Islands
5 - 7 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 2.25 M
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Vida Residences Club Point
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.61 M
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Riva Residence
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.8 M
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Bayz 102
1 - 4 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.27 M
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Porto View
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.93 M
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Pier Point
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.93 M
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3 - 4 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 2.94 M
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Greenway 2
3 - 4 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 2.7 M
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Marina Views
1 - 4 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.65 M
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DAMAC Sun City
4 & 5 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 2.2 M
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Lavita at The Oasis
6 and 7 BR Mansion
Starting Price: AED 36 M
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Golf Hillside
1-3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.47 M
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1, 2, and 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.5 M
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Sobha Elwood
4, 5, & 6 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 7,930,0000
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4 and 5 BR Townhouse
Starting Price: AED 1.99 M
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Expo Golf Villas Phase III
3 and 4 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 999,888
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Expo Golf Villas - Phase IV
3, 4, and 5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 1,791,888
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Creek Gate Tower 2
1, 2, and 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,243,888
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Fairway Villas Emaar South
3-4 BR Villa
Starting Price;AED 3 M
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Golf Links Emaar South
3, 4, and 5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 2,596,888
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Golf Views Emaar South
1-4 BR Apartment
Starting Price;AED 715,888
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Fairway Villas 2
3-4 BR Villa
Starting Price;AED 3.21 M
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Expo Golf Villas Phase 5
3 & 4 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 1,756,888
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Expo Golf Villas Phase 6
3-4 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 1.74 M
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Orla Dorchester Collection
2-4 BR Apartments
Starting Price;AED 22,000,000
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The Heights Country Club
2 & 4 BR Floating Villa
Starting Price: AED 2,490,000
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Neptune Floating Villa
5-8 BR Mansion
Starting Price: available soon
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Valo at Dubai Creek Harbour
1-3 BR Apartments
Starting Price; AED 1,800,000
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Baccarat Hotel & Residences
2-4 BR Apartments,
Starting Price: AED 18.04 M
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Bada Al Jubail
5-8 BR Mansion
Starting Price: available soon
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Bayz 101 by Danube
1-3 BR Apartments
Starting Price; 1.175 M
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Address Residences
1-3 BR Apartments,
Starting Price: 2.4 M
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Cavalli Villas
3 BR Villas.
Starting Price: AED 1,150,000 M
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Creek Waters by EMAAR
1 - 4 BR Apartments, townhouses
Starting Price: AED 1.6 M
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Danube Sportz
Studio 1-3 BR apartments.
AED 590 k
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THE OASIS - Palmiera by EMAAR
4 - 5 BR Villas.
Starting Price: AED 8.1 M
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Palm Jebel Ali
5 -6 BR Villas.
Starting Price: AED18m
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Damac Hills 2 Park Greens
5 BR Villas.
AED 2,890,000 M
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Sequoia Masaar
2 - 4 BR Townhouse & Villas
Starting Price: AED 1,696,000 M
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Sobha Hartland
4Townhouses:4-5 Villas
Starting Price: AED1,840M
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The Acres
3-5 BR Luxury villas.
Starting Price: AED 5.09 M
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Club Drive by Emaar
1-3 BR Apartments.
Starting Price: AED1.5 M
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Cavalli Estates
6 - 7 BR Villas
Starting Price: AED 19.38 M
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Creek Gate
1 - 3 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 1.48 M
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Sky Residences at Expo City
1 - 3 BR Villas
Starting Price: AED 1.7 million
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Habtoor Grand
2 - 4 Apartment.3-5Townhouse
Starting Price: AED 11 M
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Binghatti Mercedes
2 -4 BR Apartments.2-4Penthouse
Starting Price: AED 8.8 M
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Azizi Pearl
1-3 BR Apartments. 1-7 St Ap
Starting Price: AED 607,000 M
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Franck Muller
1 - 4 Apartment
Starting Price: AED1.75 M
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Amara at Tilal
3 - 5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED7.25 M
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Canal Crown
1-4 BR Apartments.
Starting Price: AED 1,12o,ooo M
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Skyhills Residences
1 - 3 BRApartment
Starting Price: AED 617,777 M
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Lagoon Views 10
1 - 2 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 979,000 M
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Grove On The Park
1-3 BR Apartments.
Starting Price: AED 770,888 M
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AEON by Emaar
1 - 3 BRApartment
Starting Price: AED 1.71 M
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Mercer House
3 BR Apartments: Penthouse
Starting Price: AED 2,580,828 M
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Damac Altitude
Starting Price: AED 1.3 M
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Design Quarter
1 - 3 BRApartment
Starting Price: AED 2,020,000 M
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Ellington Beach
1-2&4 BR Apartments:
Starting Price: AED 4,625,828 M
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Sobha Seahaven
1-2&4 BR Apartments.
Starting Price: AED 3,180,000 M
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The Rings
5 - 7 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 59 M
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Farm Gardens 2
4-5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 5.1 M
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Alandalus Apartments
1 - 4 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 1 M
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Quattro Del Mar
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 875,000
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Nasim Lofts
2-3 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 5.5 M
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Oria at Dubai Creek Harbour
1 - 3 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 1.7 M
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Marbella Villas
2 - 5 BR villas
Starting Price: AED 2,072,637
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Bay Villas by Nakheel
3-4 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 4 M
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Ellington Views 2
1 - 3 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 2,160,828
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Royal Breeze Residence
1 - 3 BR apartments
Starting Price: AED 800,000
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Bayviews at Hayat Island
1-2 BR apartments
Starting Price: AED 530,000
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Rosso Bay Residences
1 - 4 BR Apartments
Starting Price: AED 1.76 M
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Masa Residence
1 - 2 BR apartments
Starting Price: AED 790,062
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Jasmine Lane
3 BR Villas
Starting Price: AED 3,700,000
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Moonstone at Al Marjan Island
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,288,888
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Vida Residences
1 - 3 BR apartments
Starting Price: AED 1,600,000
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ParkSide Views by Emaar
1 - 3 BR Appartment
Starting Price: AED 1.45 million
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Residence 110
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,818,000
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Burj Binghatti Jacob & Co
4 - 7 BR Penthouse
Starting Price: AED 8,200,000
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Pantheon Elysee Maison 1
1 - 2 BR Appartment
Starting Price: AED 649,900
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Rain by Object 1
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 929,773
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Vela Viento Residences
2 - 4 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 18,540,818
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Mira Villas Dubai
5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 20,000,000
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Wavez by Danube Properties
Studio and 1 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 596,550
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Damac Zada Tower
1 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 699,999
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Red Square JVT
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 495,000
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Rove Home Marasi Drive
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 992,888
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Canal Front Residences
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1.6 million
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The Orchard Place at JVC
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 713,367
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Hammock Park at Wasl Gate
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 625,000
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Samana Lake Views Dubai Production City
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 639,000
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Sonate Residences by Condor Developer
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 710,074
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Electra at JVC Dubai by Acube Development
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 766,314
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360 Riverside Crescent
1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,400,000
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Jouri Hills Phase 3
1-4 Townhouse & 5 BR Villa
Starting Price: AED 4.9 million
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Evergreen at Damac Hills 2
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 550,000
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Avant Garde Residences
1-2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 625,000
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Forum Heights Residency
1-3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 555,000
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Elo at Damac Hills 2
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 547,000
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Nouran Living
1-3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 750,000
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Lillia by Emaar The Valley
3-4 BR TownHouses
Starting Price: AED 2 million
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Trussardi Furjan
1 - 2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,313,256
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Four Seasons Residence
3-5 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 33,669,551
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Sobha Motor City
1-2 BR Apaerment
Starting Price: AED 950,000
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Ellington Hillmont Hills
1 - 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: announcing soon
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Granada 2
2-3 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 2.3 million
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Azizi Jewel
1 BR Apaerment
Starting Price: AED 513,000
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Taormina Village
3-4 BR Townhouses. 4-5 BR Villlas
Starting Price: 2,860,000
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Ocean Star Rashid
1-3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,7 million
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Natura at Damac Hills 2
4 BR Townhouses
Starting Price: AED 1.83 million
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Arabian Hills Estate
1-3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: 1,490,000
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Violet Tower
1-2 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 580,000
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Ora at Town Square
1, 2 & 3 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 765,888
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Six Senses Dubai Marina
2 to 5 BR Apartment
Starting price announcing soon
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Haven Living Dubai Island
1-4 BR Apartment
Starting Price: AED 1,750,000